Glimpses from Iskraemeco Team
Maks Prokop
Director of Law, Compliance and Human Resources, Iskraemeco
Iskraemeco is a dynamic international company, which offers multiple opportunities for personal growth and where one is never bored. It is able to weather any storm and fit to face the challenges of the changing environment. It is a company that dares to create the future. I believe in Iskraemeco and I am certain that it will be the key driving force of the metering industry in the next 75 years!
Gamal Milad
General Manager of Factory, Iskraemeco Egypt
At Iskraemeco I have experienced two things, integrity and greatness. Iskraemeco is my life’s pride, and I have never doubted that. I am pretty sure many coming generations will celebrate Iskraemeco’s endless success stories. It is a great honor to be a part of this company and its strong and trusted brand and I am confident that in the next 75 years it will become the world’s leading provider in the energy measurement field.
On the 75th anniversary of Iskraemeco, I would like to stress what a pleasure it is to work for such a driven and dedicated company. Actually, it is not just a company anniversary. It is a family anniversary, a celebration of an organization that has defied all odds and managed to grow strong and achieve great things. Happy anniversary, Iskraemeco!
Madan Mohan Chakarborty
Managing director of Iskraemeco India Pvt Ltd, Iskraemeco India
I am proud of Iskraemeco’s journey of 75 years from mechanical meters to smart meters and now towards solutions. We are moving with times, solving our customers’ future problems. I see Iskraemeco as a real-time digital information provider that delivers all kinds of measurement systems in one screen, anywhere, anytime.
Ivan Kern
Head of Sales Sector Europa DACH, Iskraemeco
I have been involved with Iskraemeco and its many different organizational forms practically all my life after primary school, which means for over 40 years. Still a pupil at the Iskra Technical Secondary School, I came to Iskraemeco for job placements and holiday jobs, which continued during my university studies. My professional career started in Iskraemeco’s R&D, from where I moved to other departments in regular 3-to-5-year intervals, taking on various roles. I proudly represented Iskraemeco’s first subsidiary abroad and I am proud to represent Iskraemeco today. Wherever I may be, in business, social or private settings. Thanks to professional competencies of Iskraemeco employees, we can achieve almost anything we set our mind to. I would like to continue to be a part of this magical story and I am willing to invest in it every ounce of energy I have. Congratulations on the 75th anniversary, Iskraemeco, and good luck!
Jože Petek
Workers Representatives Coordinator, Iskraemeco
An employee of Iskraemeco for over 30 years, I consider myself part of the company’s 75-year history. As a representative of employees in several functions (trade union, works’ council), I am particularly proud of the fact that we have always managed to persuade the employer about the importance of a social partnership. The annual Social Agreements, which the union has been concluding with the employer since 1998, are an important part of this partnership.
I am aware that the company is operating in an unpredictable business environment, which has a considerable impact on the position of employees. Since the business environment is changing so rapidly and there are no guarantees that the employment standards will improve or remain as they are, adjustments are needed all the time. In our case, this means a social partnership and a discussion aimed at finding mutually beneficial solutions.
And what is the future of the company?
People are the greatest asset of the company and the foundation on which we should build our success on. As long as both sides agree that comunnicaton is the best way to reach a solution, than I am not worried at all for the success of the company with its huge potential for growth.